Seemati Silks (Deepika Padukone & Shreya Sharan) HQ Advert

Director: Rajiv Menon

Producer: Rajiv Menon Productions

Client: Seemati Silks (Kerala)

Camera: Rajiv Menon

Music: Srinivas

VFX and Creatives: Kathir Vel

Post Production: Michael Andrews

Online: Rajiv and Sumanth of Western Outdoor

Plot: Two different women from the modern society. This commercial shows how strong and confident they are by wearing traditional and modern saris made by Seemati.

I love this advertisement. This is one of the very few I enjoyed working on. I had a major role in the way it was edited and visually treated. Both the girls were upcoming at the time this was shot. I don't think this kind of an ad will never again be possible with them. :)

Keys: shriya shiriya padkone spot light helmet bullet bike dipika padugone sheran ads maybelline liril levis silk saree sari chennai silks deepika padukone catwalk shriya shreya commercial how to wear sari in fashion show fashion week deepika padukone ads



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