Discovery Channel, "I Love the World" Commercial

The World Is Just Awesome! Boom-De-Yada! Inspiring and catchy commercial from the Discovery Channel. The song is actually from "I Love The Mountains". If the planet actually had to come up with a theme song, this might be it.


I love the mountains,

I love the clear blue skies,

I love big bridges,

I love when great whites fly

I love the whole world,

And all its sights and sounds,

Boom dee odda, boom dee odda,

Boom dee odda, boom dee odda

I love the oceans,

I love real dirty things,

I love to go fast,

I love Egyptian kings,

I love the whole world,

And all its craziness.

Boom dee odda,


I love tornadoes,

I love arachnids,

I love hot magma,

I love the giant squids,

I love the whole world,

It's such a brilliant place,

Boom dee odda, boom dee odda,



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