2012 Olympics Mom Ad - Best Job P & GLondon

It's a special event that brings together people from all over the world. And now it has inspired a commercial that praises moms of Olympic athletes -- and it has gone viral on the Web.

The spot from Procter & Gamble has already been viewed on YouTube more than 700,000 times, receiving thousands of comments. (Full disclosure: P&G is a sponsor of Yahoo! Olympics coverage.)

"Best Job," which was created for the London 2012 Olympic Games, honors the mothers of the extraordinary athletes who will compete in this summer's games.

The ad starts with moms around the world waking their young children when it's still dark outside, feeding them breakfast, and seeing them off to sports practice. The moms, tireless supporters, watch their sleepy children grow into talented athletes. The payoff comes as their kids compete in the Olympics.

There is little dialogue; instead, a lush, orchestral score plays in the background. The ad's simple text reads "The hardest job in the wor



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