College Coed Commercial (Dakoda Gorman)

Who is this mysterious beauty? Her name is Dakoda Gorman (lyrics below) college commercial with a very cute coed daughter, especially when in those jean shorts.


Send her back to college for her sophomore year,

cosigned the credit card,

buy books not beer,

But the second that she shut the door,

Girl started blowing up their credit score

She bought:

1) Pizza Party for the whole Dorm Floor

2) Hundred Pounds of Makeup at the Make-up Store

3) (and) A Ticket down to Spring Break in Mexico

But her folks didn't know

Cuz her folks didn't go to

Free credit

Hard times for Daddy and Mom

(Voice Over: offer applies with enrollment in


(I like the ending shot of the little brother wanting to join in on the party - his face is hilarous)

WHO IS THE HOTTIE COED!!!? especially when wearing



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