[postlink]http://adiversal.blogspot.com/2014/12/grace-jones-canada-dry-ad-1988.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_APj5sdW23kendofvid [starttext] Grace Jones scares you into drinking Canada Dry.
[postlink]http://adiversal.blogspot.com/2014/12/pink-floyd-banana-commercial-dark-side.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb510ju771oendofvid [starttext] Dole banana commercial from the seventies featuring The Great Gig In The Sky from Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon. If you feel it, peel it!
[postlink]http://adiversal.blogspot.com/2014/12/meow-mix-1979-tv-commercial.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PdD5_1sxasendofvid [starttext] a well remembered television ad for Meow Mix from 1979
[postlink]http://adiversal.blogspot.com/2014/12/all-hutchvodafone-pug-ads.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1Fm7R4BDBUendofvid [starttext] All Hutch/Vodafone pug ads compiled at one place
[postlink]http://adiversal.blogspot.com/2014/12/80-commercials-vol-340.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bCteEK8E_sendofvid [starttext] These commercials aired on ABC and CBS on November 21st and 28th, 1981
1. "We'll Return After These Messages" Commercial Bumper
2. Tonka's Big Rig Clutch Poppers
3. Mad Magazine Game (Too bad we didn't have this growing up, my dad would have loved playing it with us more than Monopoly)
4. "We'll Return After These Messages" Commercial Bumper
5. Pretty Cut & Grow Doll (Even for a doll, that hair does not look natural)
6. Play Doh Sizzlin' Skillet
7. "Thundarr The Barbarian" Commercial Bumper
8. "We'll Return After These Messages" Commercial Bumper
9. Gimme 5 (Gotta love that disco jingle)
10. Barbie Dream Pool
11. Give A Hoot! Don't Pollute! PSA (Imagine being at a park, looking up to see a hot air balloon with Woodsy Owl peeking out from the basket staring down at you)
12. "Thundarr The Barbarian" End Credits
13. "We'll Return After These Messages" Commercial Bumper
[postlink]http://adiversal.blogspot.com/2014/12/the-bird-commercial-2.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hjojp4wrsoMendofvid [starttext] Mr Bollox is back doing another commercial on birds! What are they? What do they do? Watch to find out!
[postlink]http://adiversal.blogspot.com/2014/12/nerf-super-soaker-camo-battles-tv.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVg2t7LA1dEendofvid [starttext] Watch the TV commercial for the new Nerf Super Soaker TriStrike Crossbow and Barrage water blasters. The TriStrike Crossbow features deployable arms for three streams of soakage. Soak your friends with the massive 84oz capacity of the Super Soaker Barrage.
Soak or Be Soaked!
Visit us at http://www.hasbro.com/nerf/en_us/
Check out the entire NERF Zombie Strike line here: http://bit.ly/1aD24qs
Subscribe to the official NERF channel to stay updated with the latest YouTube videos
from Hasbro.
Official NERF YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/nerf
[postlink]http://adiversal.blogspot.com/2014/12/wanted-indian-men-2-momma-boy-funny-axe.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxXHaxtdGC4endofvid [starttext] Visit http://favorindia.blogspot.com for more Fun. Subscribe for more Funny Commercials........... Thanks
[postlink]http://adiversal.blogspot.com/2014/12/top-50-scariest-anti-drugs-psas-public.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCHzdNzMX6Yendofvid [starttext] WATCH IN HD! A countdown of some of the most SCARIEST anti-drug public service announcements (PSAs) ever produced. This countdown also contains a FEW public information films (PIFs) from the UK. And yes, before you point it out, I have re-used SOME commercials featured in my other countdowns.
♫ Everybody's doin' it, doin' it! ♫
*** Each entry is given its own 'Scare Factor' rating out of 10. The countdown starts from 1 (least scary) and gradually increases until the FINAL PSA which has a rating of 10/10 (most scary). ***
**APOLOGIES if there are any errors or typos I've made in this particular countdown - I was too lazy to proof read the final export, due to sleep deprivation! :p Also, apologies if there are any certain sound issues.**
I hope you all take an important message after watching this particular countdown: DON'T DO DRUGS! Drugs are bad, m'kay? No but seriously, NEVER TRY THEM... EVER! Not even once. Other than that, stay safe